At some point in life all of us have been told to sit up straight or stand tall. While these instructions can often feel like a nag we also know that whoever said it is right. It only takes one day of suffering a crick in your neck to know that the funny way you held your head the day before was a bad idea. The drawbacks to bad posture are numerous and widely experienced in the form of neck and back pain.  Poor posture can also lead to abnormal wear and tear on muscles and joints. Your body is even more prone to injury when it is not kept aligned properly, potentially keeping you from doing the things you love.

 Having good posture in our daily lives has many benefits beyond relieving neck and back pain. It has benefits for your overall health, mental and physical.  Good posture can result in more energy and improve moods. Standing tall also increases self-esteem and confidence. Posture is something we fall into unconsciously and out of habit. Thankfully that doesn't mean we can't improve it and improve our lives in the process. Here are five simple ways to start improving your posture today.

1. Practice awareness

Similar to the saying "If it ain't broke don't fix it" you can't fix what you don't notice. First take a moment to feel what proper posture feels like. Whether sitting or standing be sure to notice if your shoulders are rolled back and your head is aligned. It can be helpful to picture a marionette string pulling from the center top of your head. 

Once you know what good posture feels like for you then you can begin to turn your attention to your daily life. Make an conscious effort to notice when you slump into bad posture so you can remedy it on the spot. 

2. Strengthen Core Muscles

Because posture is largely an unconscious thing we do strengthening your abdominal and back muscles will do wonders for you. When you have a strong core your body will naturally be able to hold its self straighter and keep you properly aligned. 

3. Avoid Slouching 

This one is especially important for anyone who spends most of their day sitting at a desk and can be the most difficult to stop doing. thankfully there are lots of tools that can be used to improve this. such as a standing desk and ergonomic chairs. 

4. Get Moving

if you have a job where you sit or stand in one place for long periods of time try taking small breaks if you can. Taking a minute or two to stretch and move a bit every half hour can really make a difference in your ability to maintain proper posture. Adding more physical activity to your day will also help strengthen muscles, leading to improved posture organically. 

5. Visit a Chiropractor

A chiropractor can get your neck and spine aligned properly. Dr. Brain uses manual techniques to return your spine to its neutral position. He will also advise you on more ways to keep your body in tip top condition. Call our our office in Grand Rapids Michigan today to schedule your chiropractic adjustment and begin your journey to a life with less pain.


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